Service Applications

The following questions are frequently asked questions raised by the public, if your questions are not answered below, please contact our office by phone number +6084-211001 or fill in our feedback form (Feedback Form)

A)      Water supply application

  • All new applications should be submitted together with a certified true copy of the applicants’ identity card and land title OR sale and purchase agreement OR temporary occupation lease
  • The owner must engage a licensed pipe fitter to carry out the internal plumbing works
  • The owner must sign an Agreement for a Supply of Water.
  • Collateral deposit and Installation fees (Capital Contribution, Communication Pipe, Deposit and Inspect Fee) to be collected.

B)      Change of consumer’s name

  • Documents required (sale and purchase Agreement and land title) should be provided.
  • Agreement of supply of water completed and signed by legal owner
  • A collateral deposit collected

C)      Reconnection / disconnection on request

  • A letter requesting for reconnection/disconnection of water supply submitted
  • Fill the form ‘ reconnection meter on request’OR ‘disconnection meter on request’
  • Collateral deposit collected together with all outstanding bills.


D)      Testing of water meter

  • Complete the form ‘testing of meters form’
  • Testing fee will be charged in the event that the meter in found to be not faulty
  • If the water meter is not registering accurately, the water meter shall be changed without any charge and the bill(s) will be amended accordingly.




(Interesting common knowledge)


  • Approximately 14-25% of a household’s water usage occurs in the bathroom,20% in the toilet, 15-35% in the laundry,
  • The basin tap can use up to 15 litres of water a minute
  • Washing your hands can use up to 5 litres of water
  • An average shower uses 20 litres of water a minute. A 15-minute shower uses a massive 300 litres
  • The amount of water that is used in one flush of a normal western toilet is equivalent to the total amount a person in the developing world uses in a whole day
  • Washing only full loads of clothes can save up to 10 litres of water
  • Washing clothes in the laundry trough uses 40 litres of water
  • A half-full sink hold around 12 litres of water
  • Washing dishes bi hands uses about 18 litres of water
  • A kitchen tap uses around 15-20 litres a minute
  • A dripping tap can waste up to anywhere from 30-200 litres a day. That is over 70,000 litres a year!
  • Your hot water system can develop leaks and drips
  • Washing the car with the hose running, wastes 50-300 litres of water
  • Watering your plants in hot weather can waste 75% of the water used through evaporation
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