Client Charter

  1. New water supply application shall be processed within five (5) working days upon submission of all relevant documents.
  2. New water meter connection and installation of communication pipe shall be carried out within four (4) working days after payment of fees and inspection of the internal plumbing.
  3. Inspection of internal plumbing shall be carried out within one (1) working days upon receipt of the pipe fitter’s notification.
  4. All water bill queries shall be addressed within 30 minutes.
  5. Disconnected water meter due to non-payment shall be reconnected within 24 hours after the payment of arrears and reconnection fee.
  6. Deposit will be refunded by cheque to customer within two (2) weeks upon receipt of the notice of termination of water supply.
  7. The customer shall be informed of the major scheduled water interruption at least one (1) day prior to the interruption.
  8. Water shall be supplied to customer by water tanker not later than three (3) hours upon receipt of request, if unscheduled interruption of water supply occurs.
  9. Action shall be taken within six (6) hours to restore water supply upon receipt of complaint of pipe burst/leakage.
  10. Application for reticulation plans shall be approved within five (5) working days upon receipt of complete application/submission from consultant.
  11. Payment will be made within two (2) weeks upon receipt of goods and invoices from suppliers.
  12. Meter reading and delivery of water bills will be done according to schedule.

Last updated on 29 April 2016

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